Is Your Home Energy Efficient?

Introducing Energy Raven

Dwelling Check Home Inspections now partners with Energy Raven to provide you with a tool to make sure your home is energy smart, economical and healthier.

What is Energy Raven and What Can It Do For Homeowners?

Energy Raven enables homeowners to understand their home’s energy usage and provides access to free money for necessary upgrades. Energy Raven offers a totally new way to get energy insights.

With information taken from a standard home inspection, Energy Raven calculates:

  • annual energy costs of a home;
  • shows which systems use the most energy;
  • electric vehicle and solar potential;
  • systems and appliances that can be improved;
  • tips on how to improve health and comfort;
  • learn how easy it is to save money and unlock tax credits and rebates.

All available through your own live and interactive Energy Raven Dashboard.

Dwelling Check Home Inspections offers this valuable service as a low-cost add-on to residential home inspection.

How Does a Pre-Listing Inspection Help Me Sell My Home?

If you are considering selling your home, you may want to consider obtaining a “Pre-Listing Home Inspection” and here are many reasons why.

First, obtaining a pre-listing inspection best informs a seller about the condition of their property and prepares for selling.  Having the information from that inspection can prevent deal-ending discoveries once you have a buyer, ultimately leading to a smoother, less complicated transaction.

Second, offering a pre-inspected home provides an advantage over other properties, especially in a buyers’ market.  In any negotiation, the party bringing information to the table has an advantage, being prepared with both knowledge and proposed response.   Often, at least part of the reason a buyer has a property inspected is to gain negotiation advantage.  Consider this typical scenario:

Buyer makes offer, signs contract to purchase including an inspection contingency, then gets an inspection performed within the due diligence period, per the contract.  The inspection may find roofing issues, plumbing problems, electrical hazards, etc., etc.  Next, the Buyer will attempt to dictate some, or all repairs be made before moving forward with the purchase.  This is when anxiety and uncertainty arise and emotions can become elevated, just when time is of the essence!

So, you can easily see how, by having your property pre-inspected, deficiencies can be identified and dealt with ahead of the time-pressed situation describe above, laying the ground-work for a predictable, profitable transaction.  Even if the buyer opts to have an inspection done on their own behalf, purchase offers will be based on a much clearer representation of the condition of the property, leading to less back and forth price volleying.

Pre-listing inspections also enables sellers to maximize sale profit by building repair costs into listing price of home; having repairs made up-front, potentially avoiding higher contractor pricing for “rush” jobs; gaining time to make repairs yourself.

In Summary, a pre-inspected property allows Sellers to:

  • Pro-actively make repairs = lower costs.
  • Identify the repairs they are willing to make/negotiate up-front = stream-lined negotiations.
  • Buyers are better informed, resulting in calculated and precise offers.

Data from National Association of REALTORS, and Zillow, supports that homes inspected at the time they go on the market receive more offers, sell faster, sell at higher price and go from contract to closing at a more rapid pace, all due to having done a great job at identifying the condition of the home prior to sale.